Pete Townsend is one of those rare and exquisite types of men who can don super-TIGHT, white trousers and jumpsuits and pull it off well. VERY well. Townsend, who was voted "50th Greatest Guitarist of all Time" by Rolling Stone Magazine, was also the primary songwriter and co-lead singer for the Who. His energetic, "wind it up" style of guitar playing added a dollop of sexiness to his performances and set him apart from other guitarists of 1960's Britain.
Watching footage of Pete playing live at Woodstock or the Stones' Rock and Roll Circus is quite an electrifying experience. He is tall and very lean with a generous mop of curly-esque hair, giant blue eyes and a smile that could instantly melt a bag o' frozen burritos. He sings very well and plays the death out of the guitar that is most likely going to be smashed to bits or shoved into an amplifier before the night is through.
Just watch him! He jumps up very high--- first to the left, (massive guitar riff while in midair) now, to the right (another riff) and then he is spread eagle, high over the stage, jumping into an impressive split while (you guessed it) delivering yet another perfect riff.
Let me also mention his nose. Dear God, he has the nose-to-end-all-noses. Check out the photo that showcases his impressive profile and you'll see what I mean. I'd like to kiss his nose, send his nose roses, sculpt his nose out of clay, write a dissertation about his nose and on and on.
And if you don't get why his profile is so attractive, then you must be one of those annoying Roger Daltry fans. Daltry is fine, I guess, if you're into that whole "wooly-headed caveman who likes to wear lots of fringe" look. Personally, I love Pete Townsend and Keith Moon the best, as they were the most talented and outrageous members of the band. And John Entwistle? Well, God rest his soul. He was neither here nor there for me.
Today, Pete donates both his time and money to various causes, such as children's charities, Amnesty International and drug rehabilitation facilities and it's nice to know that there is a good man behind that impressive nose.
Feel good and check out the attached pics of sweet Pete T.
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